Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain pours. But dont forget, it takes both the sun and rain to make a rainbow.
A very dear friend of mine sent me this message today, and upon reading it, an honest and real smile came to my face. My heart feels lighter. Funny how random messages can do wonders. But I know it was specially meant for me, so thank you kossy.... *big hug*
It's true, I cannot expect a rainbow to come my way without enduring the rain first. Even a smooth sailing journey needs wind.
I'm awake in the afternoon, I fell asleep in the living room
It's one of those moments when everything is so clear
before the truth goes back into hiding
I wanna decide cause it's worth deciding
To work on finding something more than this fear
it takes so much out of me to pretend
Tell me now, tell me how to make amends
Maybe, I need to see the daylight
Live beyond the half life
Dont you see i"m breaking down..................
lately, something here dont feel right
This is just a half life
Is there really no escape, no escape from time.. of any kind.
Song: half life by Oliver james.
Escapism. It's habitual, it's addictive, and the more you consume it, an artificial craving is built within you. Yet, such diversions, though sometimes called craven, is not equivalent or tantamount to a timourous desposition, nor coming close to any form of recreance. We get so caught up in routine, or get tangled in the webs of reality, as long as we do not fully submerge ourselves or wholly depend on it, a little escapism would not hurt. After all, it is only in escaping that we experience utopia. Dont we all need that every once in a while?
4 days.... and counting... :-) all the best for auditing