jem with me.


Friday, October 31, 2003

Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain pours. But dont forget, it takes both the sun and rain to make a rainbow.

A very dear friend of mine sent me this message today, and upon reading it, an honest and real smile came to my face. My heart feels lighter. Funny how random messages can do wonders. But I know it was specially meant for me, so thank you kossy.... *big hug*
It's true, I cannot expect a rainbow to come my way without enduring the rain first. Even a smooth sailing journey needs wind.

I'm awake in the afternoon, I fell asleep in the living room
It's one of those moments when everything is so clear
before the truth goes back into hiding
I wanna decide cause it's worth deciding
To work on finding something more than this fear
it takes so much out of me to pretend
Tell me now, tell me how to make amends

Maybe, I need to see the daylight
Live beyond the half life
Dont you see i"m breaking down..................
lately, something here dont feel right
This is just a half life
Is there really no escape, no escape from time.. of any kind.

Song: half life by Oliver james.

Escapism. It's habitual, it's addictive, and the more you consume it, an artificial craving is built within you. Yet, such diversions, though sometimes called craven, is not equivalent or tantamount to a timourous desposition, nor coming close to any form of recreance. We get so caught up in routine, or get tangled in the webs of reality, as long as we do not fully submerge ourselves or wholly depend on it, a little escapism would not hurt. After all, it is only in escaping that we experience utopia. Dont we all need that every once in a while?

4 days.... and counting... :-) all the best for auditing

Thursday, October 30, 2003

I'm hungry I need to eat.
I shall climb the tree and eat the fruit. I must get that fruit. I need it for survival.
I fall.
That was when I realised that there was an apple on the ground all along.
Damn, why didnt I see the apple?

Strange analogy, but it does portray the astigmatism in us-- though how many of us can boast of having foresight? It's almost bizzarre how we get caught up in a particular situation and we focus so much on it, and after a period of time you look back and if you had the choice you would have handled it differently? It's true that for all our actions, we need to acknowledge the circumstances, but how would we know? Yet, these are the mistakes that mould our intellect and character. So... if you take a wrong turn, you might end up crashing, yet you can emerge from the incident a stronger person. Irony.. isnt that what life is all about? We have to focus on the latter, but so many of us remember the former. When we look at the scars, we remember the fresh wounds, and not the healing. So ultimately it all boils down how each individual reacts. To each his own. But for our own sakes, let's just try not to turn our back to the sun.

Do you believe in there's a pot of gold at every end of the rainbow? I do. Because when it seems like a good thing has come to an end, something good still awaits you. Ha.. but again, isnt that just focusing on the good part?
Really. Everything.. yes.. everything.. is ephemeral. ok... I am rambling. again.

Michie.... good luck for your exams! you can do it... *hugs*

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty, believe me, the gift is there and the wonder of an overshadowing presence.
Fra Giovanni

Motivating words. But when it is pitch black, where is the light?
Are these words merely a creation for lugubrious and disspirited people, instilling just a tinge of trust in the world and some animation in their aimless life matched with a dampening spirit? Believing in such words, are they an affirmation of naivety? I beg to differ.
I feel that when you learn a lesson like that, it is the maturity of the soul, and the strenghtening of character.

When you cant rely on your sense of sight, rely on inner sense.Sometimes you cant see the light, you have to feel it. Picture that light in your mind. When it is pitch dark, where is the light? It is within you.

When you love someone draw a circle around their name instead of a heart because hearts can be broken but circles never end.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Come to the edge.
We can't. We're afraid.
Come to the edge.
We can't. We will fall!
Come to the edge.
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire, 1880-1918
French Poet, Philosopher

What an inspiring anecdote, depicting and enhancing the phrase ' sometimes all you need is a little faith'.
But Lord knows it is difficult.
Had my Criminal Law and Contract law papers today.. it was easier than expected and I should be able to pass it! Tomorrow's papers wouldnt be so facile, I am less prepared but hey.. faith right? sanguine sanguine!!! ok.. i'm mad.

You and I are the epitomy of love.......

Sunday, October 26, 2003

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
Author Unknown

The eagle in me soars high, unchained yet captured.
You have self liberty, free to make choices, yet you are hampered by the captivities of your circumstances. Nothing in our world exists in its most innocent and purest form, although on the journey in realising this I have sought many methods to confound this argument. But there is a circle. When a door opens, a window will remain closed. This cycle of life, the equity and existence of good and bad can only mean one thing. Balance.
Perhaps this balance remains in perseity due to us, in spite of our myopic views we are quick to recognise the bad, and fail to acknowledge the good. Or when we have it good, we unwittingly search for the bad.

So everyone, let's try to seize the day, in case we never have a tomorrow.
But my day is spent studying. See how I can appreciate the importance of today, yet what is important is happening tomorrow. ok you know.. sometimes I'm so confusing I confuse myself. ok i'm not making any sense.

It's just another day
It's just another moment
But what mkes it special is you

Saturday, October 25, 2003

2 days to my UOL compliance test. more specifically, a major test! But as usual, I didnt practise consistency, and I didnt start revision till last night. Studied today though.. 20 chapters to go. Oh.. did I mention I am the best procrastinator? Once bitten, twice shy. I've been bitten a whole lot of times and yet I never learn the meaning of STUDY.
But it's weird how I never seem to get stressed when it comes to academic work, even though the odds on passing( dont even talk about scoring) is against me. I've always reassured myself that the time that I spent elsewhere instead of studying is worth it, and I would rather have forgone studying than the moods I experienced which perhaps made me develop a little. Problem is, for this particular study week, it has been a complete waste of time. I let myself get distracted by... this.. and that.
But I remain indifferent and impassive to any form of pressure or tension. Oh man, maybe there is something wrong with me.
Nah.. I might not practise a lot of things, but hey I rehearse sanguinity.

And I reinforced what I have always mulled over before. Whatever that I cannot control, I shall leave it till I am in a postition to control it. Whatever that I can control, I shall give my best, and hope that my turn in the circle of goodness will be here soon.

In the midst of inner disturbance, I find my peace in you.

Friday, October 24, 2003

I am an imperfect perfectionist.

I like things to be methodical and organized, I dont like chaos and disarrays.. when it comes to the non-emotional involvement systems. When it comes to those that exist outside the boundaries of rationalism, I just want it all to be pure. I am an idealist, believing in the humanity existing within even the most hard core being. I believe love conquers, yet I am a realist.
See how imperfect my perfect thinking is?
I can feel myself growing up. It's wondrous yet bizarre how a change in the course of events can in turn change you from a puerile youth with shallow musing to one who experiences pondering at a deeper level. But its price? Cogitation with increased depth goes hand in hand with the clout of burden weightage.

When I find myself wallowing in self-pity of trivialities, (although sometimes it isnt so picayunish), I try to direct my self into the lives of those who are less fortunate than I am, for with this sort of comparison, suddenly my problems arent that significant after all. It's hard, but I guess for all my misfortunes, I should be grateful for the little things. It's always the little things.And may God help me.
Reflect upon your present blessings - of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
Charles Dickens

You are my blessing.....

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Name analysis of Jamie.
As Jamie you are rather serious-minded, responsible, and stable. You have the gift of tact and diplomacy, and possess a charming, easy-going nature which endears you to others. You have a serious desire to understand the heart and mind of everyone, and could be very effective in a career or in volunteer work where you are handling people and serving in a humanitarian way. This name also gives you a love of home and family, and as a parent you would likely be fair and understanding. You remember the thoughtful little expressions of affection and appreciation that mean so much to others, and you have the ability to create a warm and loving environment. However, you tend to put things off and avoid facing issues because of a lack of confidence and uncertainty. You often need encouragement from someone before you can come to a decision.

how true....

What can words do but capture you.. Actions speak louder.. but what if all I have are words?

There was once a man who was caught in a flood. He climbed a tree for help and prayed to God to help him. He felt that his devotion and faith to God will get him through the disaster. Not long after, an ambulance came. They instructed him to climb down the tree, into the ambulance. The man shook his head and said ' I have faith in God, He will rescue me." After that, a helicopter came and let down a rope and told him to hang on to it. The man shook his head and said "I have faith in God, He will rescue me." Soon, the flood enveloped him and he died. At the gates of heaven, he was very angry with God and blamed Him for his death. He said to God, " I prayed and trusted you. I put all my faith in you. Yet you were not there." God replied...." my child.. I sent help for you.."
moral: God helps us.. just not in obvious ways..
( this story is courtesy of Pearlyn Chow")

I think this story is heart rendering...very very true.. not only in God's aspect.. but in many other ways. Sometimes, things arent always what they seem. People should try to learn to judge less.. and understand more. But nothing is easy. But let's all work on this together.

When i'm pensive and chary of things.. it's funny how the very thought of you eases me..

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

The inward wreckage of the driver of my brain train is headed right for a derailment.

Maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea to develop split personalities. At least I can blame everything on automatism. But alas, I am in control.. or am I? It's beginning to dawn on me that perhaps I have been rather self-centered, and perhaps letting someone else take control of my life is supposed to be an obligation that I have to fulfill, and isnt life revolving around commitals and responsibilities? And perhaps sacrifice? And happiness.. both you and others?
I feel like taking flight now, put on a cowardly act and run from it all. The evanescence of euphoria is getting to me, and the transition between the ups and downs are becoming more like a prolonged train ride.. and those who know me, I get motion sickness really easily. ha... sigh sigh.
I should be pulling myself together, but what if it's not me that needs the pulling yet it affects me? and you know chain reactions? someone gets hurt... then another .. then another... and imagine if it was you who started the whole thing.maybe one day I'll wake up and realise that it's all a dream. Cause right now, I get momentary notions that I am in the middle of a nightmare.
ok.. I know all this doesnt make sense.. I'm just raving away to myself..

I had a relatively good day today. Was happy... a feeling that I would be needing for a long long time.. yet.... arg. nevermind..
I'm sorry.. words borrowed from jo. ' I need an outlet, and this happens to be the only one.'

to you: There are so many words to put in a sentence, but I just want to say this.. ' Thank you'.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

It's all my fault.
And The evidence was standing manifestly, obviously, distinctly in front of me.

How do you live with yourself knowing you are the sole cause of another's downfall, another's failure.

How does one survive with the guilt that you will continue to be the cause of others' sadness, desolation and disconsolateness in time to come.

How long can one keep up a pretence?

I feel so despondent now.

And i brought it all upon myself.

I feel like such a jerk.

ps. pls nobody talk to me abt this entry.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Craziness and Sanity
Seriousness and complexity
Accept Me.

Temporary yet Permanent
Letting go yet stagnant.
Tug-of-war heartstrings.

Anger within VS smiles outside
Bitter feelings VS love resides
The latter emerges victor.
I think.

The drawback about sensitivity and palpability is that you get lost in the battledomw of contrasted feelings, and like any war, you face the uncertainty of triumph or defeat.
Ever had a period of time where the ray of sun peeks at you ever so often, and you want to surrender to those blissful moments of contentment and revel in every simple mercies of life, yet knowing it is not whole, for it is stained by the knowledge that you remain in the shadows of your past, which overemotes the transient euphoria, and those rays that you felt becomes harsh sunlight which glares unmercifully... is it really true? all pleasures are ephemeral? or were those sensations disrupted because of that phone call of the past? of is it just me in one of my moods? I think it's a combination of all.
Many times I feel like a drifting fugitive, seeking solace in solitude, in escapism, dodging the capture of the past. Sometimes I want to be elusive, likely to disappear or fade.
But in those dark moments, I always look for my shining beacon, and it's there. You're omnipresent.
Though the dark comes often, I shall not be afraid. For there's always you.. and when there's you.. I'm home.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

today is a very special day.

everybody let's sing!
Happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to MICHELE!
HAppy birthday toooo YOOOUUUU

happy birthday baby.... and many many more to come. :)

Saturday, October 18, 2003

" He was a man."

" yes, sweet boy."

" And he was a woman?"

" God has not made such things."

" God has made everything."

This is taken from the book 'Art and lies' by Jeanette Winterson, this little controversial extract which arrested my attention and totally swept me away. It is very apt for those which are caught in a particular situation.
I always believed and will always believe that we have choices in life, and sometimes, circumstances mould the way we are. But ultimately, whoever we become, as long as we do no harm to others, we will remain God's children.
Ok I'm gushing but I really do like those sentences a lot.. and that is an understatement! especially the last line. God has made everything. The man in question, although is a woman, it doesnt matter, for he/she was sweet, and I'm sure he/she gave much love.. and isnt that what God all about? love?

You are one of heaven's gifts to me.. and I thank God for you... and I thank you.. for just being you.

Friday, October 17, 2003

notice to all: if you go to the address of, you will not be able to see the shoutbox; so erase the www and just simply go to so you can see the shoutbox and see the oh oh cool comment box and leave a comment. ;p

Angels are amongst us
Angels all around
If we quiet our minds, and open our hearts
We will hear their heavenly sound
Angels do protect us
Sent from our Father up above
To guide us along in this confusing world
With reassurance and love

Everyone has an angel
Given to us from the start
Trust and faith is what we need
To hear them in our heart

Never feel alone or scared
desolate or sad
For when we feel these things at times
Our angels do take charge

They comfort us with an enveloping hug
Making sure we know they are there
They only want the best for us
Because they really truly care.

-Maria Schembri

Do you believe in angels? In our childhood, we were given to gather that angels are winged beings with halos and harps. Though there have been reports of angels assuming no figure, one characteristic of them has not changed-- they are propitious and benevolent, although again arguable some say there are angels around with questionable character.
Lucifer himself was a fallen angel. From a favourable stance, he has dropped to one who stirs up deep loathing.
But as the phrases goes, 'there is a rotten apple in every barrel' or 'there's always a black sheep'.
I myself find myself in doubt about the existence of angels, perhaps because these angels have not been given that much coverage as God or Satan. But I know it is my faith. Or rather, lack of faith in this sense. Angels, like so many other things, are there if you choose to believe and accept. and that is what I will choose to do.

They say God gives us angels to look after us... I'm certain you are one of them...

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Fast Facts A little extra knowledge...

A house fly lives only 14 days. poor guy.. so next time, dont kill them! they'll die soon anyway.

An annoyed camel will spit at a person. A dirty man will spit at a camel.

Pea crabs (the size of a pea) are the smallest crabs in the world. puny guy..

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm (20 in) tongue. at least it cleans its ears.. look at the bright side man!

The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant. whale language--OOhhHH SooOO INnnTeeReStInGGG!

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, suggested that a woman could enlarge her bust line by singing loudly and often haha anyone up for singing lessons?

Earlier, pigs' bladders were used as rugby balls. uh... how? werent they soft? and bloody?

The longest kiss in a movie is in Andy Warhol's Kiss. Rufus Collins and Naomi Levine kissed for the entire 50 minutes of the movie. I can kiss that long too.. any challenges anyone..

:) win-win situation.. extra information plus a little smile...

You go there.. I follow...
You come here.. I stay
Oh i'm gonna be around you.... always ...

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Why live for the future if you cant seize the day.

To put others' feelings before yours is a noble deed. Sacrifice, regardless of its form, should always be favoured upon, not to be frowned at, not to be judged or mocked.
Take a look at this definition of sacrifice: an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially : the killing of a victim on an altar. Ultimate sacrifice: the giving of a life. But to put it in this context, they call this sacrificial killing.
Recently, an Iraqian man killed his daughter for her philandering and outlandish ways. They call this honour killing.
In both cases, the tragic similarity is fatality, and both are sacrifices, the first for a god; the other for pride.
Even though in both cases they appear ridiculous and seemingly tramples on my thesis of sacrifice, it still stands. We are just looking at the situations in the eyes of a different culture.

When someone makes a sacrifice, it is so easy to misjudge, it is so simple for anyone to scoff the intentions.

A drug addict checks himself into rehabilitation for the sake of his girlfriend; could not take the withdrawal symtoms, goes into depression.
A child gives up his playing time to study hard, cant take the pressure, stress.
A girl gives up her relationship with another girl for the sake of her mum, misery.

There is a price to pay for everything as we can infer.

Let's look at another scenario.
The drug addict cuts down his intake with the help of his girlfriend, and enter rehab when he is in a more prepared state of mind while at the same time, be the best man he can be for his gf.
The child decreases her playing time, and decreases it even more when the exams draw near, and in the meantime, be the best student she can achieve.
The girl does not give up her relationship just like that, but instead talk things out with her gf, and meanwhile, be a good daughter in other ways.

Something like that huh?

Sacrifice just cannot come suddenly. The drug addict's gf.. she sees her bf enter depression.. know she is one of the cause.
The child.. stress... she's a child for God's sake.
The girl... what about the love?

Sacrifice is honourable and high-principled, but sometimes, instead of looking at what may seem the obvious act to carry out, remember that things arent always what they seem. Evaluate other circumstances, and open your eyes..
sometimes, sacrifices can be made doing other ways..
and remember.. really.. things do have a funny way of working out.

But remember, I am always here for you. and I do understand. As in, I cant feel exactly, but yes I do understand.

Do you want to be an eagle.. to soar and be free
Or do you want to be a someone's pet budgie.. trapped in a cage?
Why not be a nightingale, it flies free.. yet it can be tame.. and also bring the joy of song....

Saturday, October 11, 2003

A new born baby a mother's joy yet it cries
A clock that ticks the time away, it drags yet it flies
A mouth that turns up yet it's down
A face with wisdom yet it frowns
A wound it heals yet it scars
Feelings so tender yet it mars
A heart that feels to love and hate
An urging to leave, a desiderate to wait
A world that's wrought with irony......
Take the world for all its issues;
take me as I am
the world will accord its sun,
and I will be the one..

Christianity has done a great deal for love by making a sin of it.
--Anatole France
Just a little something for you all to think about. kinda makes sense right? love shouldnt be a sin.. and it isnt. not in my opinion anyway. But wrong or right...... I'll just love you....

Friday, October 10, 2003

Are you the person you want to be today?

What if I die tomorrow

Would you have said all you wanted to say to me?

Tell your loved ones you love them.

Justice is only existent because of humanity's flaw: self interest

Does that make sense? Is the human race so low down that law only prevails due to selfism? When I first heard this, first instinct was obviously, to debate this. To argue against this slamming of the human character, but the loopholes are few. Why do people sue? To claim for damages? Some claim it's within their right. Some claim it's only deserved, only codign.
When you lose your wallet and you find the thief, statistics are you'll turn him in, be it to authorities, or to friends. why? Because he did you wrong. So therefore, you lost. so he must lose too. What if someone else lost their wallet? chances are most of us dont give a damn. We read about so many law cases in the paper, or study about it. So many cases arise through one party feeling deprived?ok well, obviously this does not apply to all cases huh? It's just something to think about. And anyway, this is actually in the philosophy field.

I watch you sleep.. and I want to to protect you from all nightmares..
I watch you awake.. and I want to protect you from all living nightmares....

Thursday, October 09, 2003

ok everyone... I cannot broadcast lesson 5 to you. for the sole reason I cant summarise it.. ha you have to read the entire chapter to comprehend lesson 5 and I cant type out the whole chapter cause it's kinda equivalent to plagarizing and it's copywright.. so.. I'll lend you guys the book ok? ( cheryl and jo.. you 2 fight it out on who wants the book 1st. ha )

I realized that yesterday's entry was kinda depressing.. with lesson 4 being being abt death and erm.. me complaining.. sorry huh? to make it up.. I'm going to tell you guys a joke! yupperz.. just to lighten things up. It's time for a smile on everyone's faces.

9 men and 1 woman were stranded on an island for many days. One day, a helicopter came.. they waved wildly and the helicopter noticed them. Unable to fit so many in the helicopter, they let down a rope where the 10 of them grabbed on to it.. with to safety harness whatsoever.. just bare hands.
After some distance, the pilot shouted that the load was too heavy and someone had to sacrifice his or ler life. After much deliberation, the woman, being selfless, said ' I will do it' She then proceeded to tell the men to tell her family that she loves them, she died for a cause and not in vain. She spoke abt her children and her elderly the end of the speech, everyone was tearing. As the woman said her last word and prepared to let go, all the men clapped.

hahahaha! erm.. get it??? gee ok i see everyone's faces going 'oh so lame' and then breaking into a smile. see??

oh i miss them strawberry kisses....

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

deja vu ...A wants to break up. B does not want to. B has no choice but to let A go right? She should love B enough to let go right? NO. B doesnt have a choice. Even if B does not love enough, she has no alternative but to go. So stop making it seem like it's a fucking gift and A should owe B something. Yes, A feels bad. A feels responsible. A doesnt know how to forgive herself. and i'm fucking A.

suddenly, my past is crashing on me again. I need you I need you I need you..

what's written below is lesson number 4.

" .. You died. You were the best person anyone of us knew, and you died and lost everything. And I lost everything..."
" No, you didnt. I was right here. .. Lost love is still love. . It takes a different form, that's all. You cant see their smile... But when those esnses weaken, another heightens. Memory. memory becomes your partner. You nuture it. You hold it. You dance with it.. Life has to end. Love doesnt."

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Let us all write our bad moments in the sand....

hello all! here is lesson number 3.
" HOlding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. but hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.... No one is bron with anger. And when we die, the soul is freed from it... You need to forgive...."

Once again, the 3rd lesson only enhances the fact that everything is easier said than done. How does one let go of all the hatred, anger, resentment and bitterness? It's so easy for counsellors to say that these negative feelings that we hold on to will only torment us and... to put it rudely.. blah blah blah. So where does one go from here? I guess at the end of the day, ultimately it is up to us to search that light of forgiveness within ourselves.
but what if the person in question is ourselves? what if you blame yourself for certain things? what if you feel that who you are now is a result of someone else's detriment? how do you forgive when you know you are the cause of someone's decline....
well, the theoratical answer to this would be it's not wholly your fault, sometimes circumstances just was not to your advantage, it takes 2 hands to clap.. you already did what you can...
practically.. once more.. yep.. all within yourself.. which brings us back to square 1. easier said than done. But you know, I feel it is vital to bear in mind that in the depths of what we call a soul, there is an area which possesses us to forgive.. and always remember that one day there will be a light.. and this light.. for the sake of ourselves, sometimes we just hv to work to drive the shadows away.. and lean towards what would be pure happiness.. almost impossible to achieve.. but incline towards it.. and who knows.. after all... during a rainstorm riddled with hailstones that lasts for days.. the sun still comes back out and slowly evaporates the rain.. and the aftermath of the disaster.. we see the rainbow.

No matter how well you nurse a grudge, it will never get better.
--Joyce Smith

does it matter what the future holds for us?... No...because for now.. I have you.. and that is what I am focus on.. and that is all that matters to me........
in this life.... i was loved by you...

Monday, October 06, 2003

2nd lesson:
"Sacrifice. You made one. I made one. We all make them. But you were angry over yours. You kept thinking about what you lost... Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to..... A mother works so her son can go to school.. A daughter moves home to take care of her sick father.. A man goes to war...."

okie.. here's the second lesson from the book.. day by day I am falling in love with Mitch Albom! ha.. he's very inspiring..
hmm.. ok let's discuss sacrifice. well with all due respect, the word sacrifice has been overly praised. I always thought that sacrifice should come from each self, sincerity and genuine attachment. But it seems like other elements such as obligations, responsibilities, perhaps even pride have to be takein into account. take for example a businessman who is also a father. He may sacrifice a promotion because tt would mean longer office hours. But what if he is by nature a very responsible person and he sees this as part of his duty? I wouldnt really call that a great sacrifice..

went to watch '28 days later' today.. erm.. well.. it wasnt That bad.. I mean.. hey guys it could have been worse. haa.. erm.. ok sorry! but it wasnt my fault 'turn left turn right' had no seats! ha..

to whom it may concern: We live in a very complicated world condemned with rules.. and misunderstandings are many even amongst love ones.We all yearn for acceptance especially within our family.. 2 people in love and wanting to be together isnt that simple anymore. so what happens? 2 choices: 1) give up everything that you have. Forget the love. Live with memories only. 2) take each day as it comes. I grew to realise that it's true that things do have a funny way of working out. When your situation seems totally screwed up, sometimes.. a screwdriver comes along. Who knows what will happen. It's a long long way to go.. but slowly.... *nudges cheryl* (man man ;p ) cheers guys.. I'm always ard to talk and listen.

You used to be my form of escapism.. you were my fantasy.. now when I hold you.. I never have to be afraid or run away.. cause I know now..finally.. you are my reality.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Thank you to my bestest friends of all for friday night.. had a really great time... and the pictures are up!;p

Went clubbing on friday night... been so long since I clubbed.. Gwen I hope u're fine after all those shots you took. ha..
went to Jo's church yesterday.. then dinner.. then played basketball... and I threw up my prawn... and tomyam.. haha ok guess you guys didnt need to know that....

I was given a book recently, by the author of 'Tuesdays with Morrie' by Mitch Albom. The new book is called '5 people you meet in Heaven' my report: not as capturing as the first, but still has many thought provoking life philospohy.

" People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenary without solace is meaningless."

First lesson:
" There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate the breeze from the wind. Fairness does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young. People die instead of me...when an airplane crashes but arent on it.. When your colleague falls ill and you do withers.. another grows. Birth and death are part of a whole..."

There are 5 lessons in all.. the rest will be continued. ..
first lesson.. I guess I never looked at how our lives intersect.. even a simple thing emerging from a situation where you get a university place but someone else doesnt.. or u get a job and someone doesnt get that job.. But ah well.. that's life right? I guess the best we can do is to appreciate what we have.. and remember that however bleak your situation may seem, someone else has it worse.

I love you.

Friday, October 03, 2003

I'm not going to put a toe out of line; I'm gonna stamp out.

The solid reassurance and uniformity when we conform, the capacity of knowledge to remain within social norms for fear of rejection, humiliation or the rare but present fatality. Conformity has its advantages, and sometimes it isnt really very deficient - i feel that the price of conformity has been highly exaggerated. But look at me..who am I?
I might be a minuscule of the human race, or the entire creature race, but I am still someone. I still possess the basic structure of a human anatomy, I have the inner organs inside my body. In this aspect, I am you. Therefore, I have the advantage, in terms of physical terms over others who do not have the fortune of what I have. I have conformed. But I am not you.

My left brain might be bigger than yours, my intellect might be higher, my maturity might be exceeding, my powers of character differ from yours. You might even be smarter than me. But most of all, my heart is different. Not the organ, but the heart within my soul that makes up me. The way I feel about how I choose to behave that might be a far cry from what is socially accepted. Life is always a battledome. But I have defiance. I have strength.And I have choice. The choice to curb who I am and live by majority's rules, or the decision to be who I am. Who am I? I am Me. And I love myself.

We cant always do what we want to do. All the crap about you are the one living your life is bullshit. All loved ones have to be taken into consideration. But always always bear in mind that should the love be reciprocrated, somehow some way, you're gonna turn out fine cause everything and everyone will eventually help you.

I'd like to wish upon a star.. that love be with us wherever we are...

Thursday, October 02, 2003

It means no worries.. for the rest of your day.. It's our problem free.. philospohy.. akoonamatata....
if I have gotton any part of the song wrong..uh.. sorry?

I feel that it is consequential that we awake each day to this. Yesterday would have brought about fresh experiences which may sometimes leave you with a bitter and acrid aftertaste, Of course, everyday isnt always a brand new day, for sometimes recollections haunt and taunt, or even worse.. it lingers. But maybe we can just try to shrug our shoulders, practise detachment and that brand new day will not be too far away..
Over the past week, I learnt that love isnt the most important thing anymore. Yes, it is substiantial, but in my opinion, happiness should override.. and we shouldnt seek happiness, let happiness elude you.. let's all be happy...

Dont miss me when I'm not by your side.. for I'm never too far away....
In our hearts is where we are.. and there we'll stay..

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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