Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty, believe me, the gift is there and the wonder of an overshadowing presence.
Fra Giovanni
Motivating words. But when it is pitch black, where is the light?
Are these words merely a creation for lugubrious and disspirited people, instilling just a tinge of trust in the world and some animation in their aimless life matched with a dampening spirit? Believing in such words, are they an affirmation of naivety? I beg to differ.
I feel that when you learn a lesson like that, it is the maturity of the soul, and the strenghtening of character.
When you cant rely on your sense of sight, rely on inner sense.Sometimes you cant see the light, you have to feel it. Picture that light in your mind. When it is pitch dark, where is the light? It is within you.
When you love someone draw a circle around their name instead of a heart because hearts can be broken but circles never end.
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