jem with me.


Monday, October 20, 2003

Craziness and Sanity
Seriousness and complexity
Accept Me.

Temporary yet Permanent
Letting go yet stagnant.
Tug-of-war heartstrings.

Anger within VS smiles outside
Bitter feelings VS love resides
The latter emerges victor.
I think.

The drawback about sensitivity and palpability is that you get lost in the battledomw of contrasted feelings, and like any war, you face the uncertainty of triumph or defeat.
Ever had a period of time where the ray of sun peeks at you ever so often, and you want to surrender to those blissful moments of contentment and revel in every simple mercies of life, yet knowing it is not whole, for it is stained by the knowledge that you remain in the shadows of your past, which overemotes the transient euphoria, and those rays that you felt becomes harsh sunlight which glares unmercifully... is it really true? all pleasures are ephemeral? or were those sensations disrupted because of that phone call of the past? of is it just me in one of my moods? I think it's a combination of all.
Many times I feel like a drifting fugitive, seeking solace in solitude, in escapism, dodging the capture of the past. Sometimes I want to be elusive, likely to disappear or fade.
But in those dark moments, I always look for my shining beacon, and it's there. You're omnipresent.
Though the dark comes often, I shall not be afraid. For there's always you.. and when there's you.. I'm home.


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