jem with me.


Friday, October 10, 2003

Are you the person you want to be today?

What if I die tomorrow

Would you have said all you wanted to say to me?

Tell your loved ones you love them.

Justice is only existent because of humanity's flaw: self interest

Does that make sense? Is the human race so low down that law only prevails due to selfism? When I first heard this, first instinct was obviously, to debate this. To argue against this slamming of the human character, but the loopholes are few. Why do people sue? To claim for damages? Some claim it's within their right. Some claim it's only deserved, only codign.
When you lose your wallet and you find the thief, statistics are you'll turn him in, be it to authorities, or to friends. why? Because he did you wrong. So therefore, you lost. so he must lose too. What if someone else lost their wallet? chances are most of us dont give a damn. We read about so many law cases in the paper, or study about it. So many cases arise through one party feeling deprived?ok well, obviously this does not apply to all cases huh? It's just something to think about. And anyway, this is actually in the philosophy field.

I watch you sleep.. and I want to to protect you from all nightmares..
I watch you awake.. and I want to protect you from all living nightmares....


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