jem with me.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

they say for every difficult situation there is bound to be compromise. but we've been brought up thinking that that word means equal and fair to both parties. i think we've been misled into believing only a half truth, because it's rubbish. someone's going to feel shortchanged, and it often ends with one party giving in slightly more, but then the purpose is also defeated because compromise is supposed to make two people happy, but how can they be happy if one feels resentful and the other is mutinous.
i think compromise is supposed to make people feel happier, which isnt the same as happy at all.

and honestly, when it reaches a point, it's either THAT way, or GO AWAY.

life works in such a way that sad things has to happen so you can treasure what happiness is.
sometimes, i find myself conjuring images, and it isnt a stab like how it used to be. it's more like a dull ache now, and hell, i can deal with dull aches.

on a lighter note

office is finally painted!
all that's left is the plumbing, but that's not so crucial cause there are toilets downstairs, and some more furniture to get, which is also not so crucial because i dont have so many people yet.


donations welcome. ;)

Friday, April 25, 2008

lock it up and throw the key, but there's always break in.
how much you want to keep it secure definitely depends on how much you want it, or how much you dont.

they say imitation is the best form of flattery. i'm beginning to see the sense in it.

sometimes i wonder when we started losing touch. but what saddened me was the fact that i only wondered and wasnt really remotely sad about it. but if that saddened me, that means there is some inkling of emotion left right?

a thousand words to write, plenty of explanations waiting. but along the way, it soon becomes pointless. yet sometimes i wonder why i feel the need to do it.

life is strange.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

nothing beats hand feeding a furry bunny except hugging one and feeling its whiskers on your face as it kisses you.

the dragon went for lasik on friday. the patient who came out before her was singing 'i can see clearly now the rain is gone ' and doing jiggly hops. i imagined the dragon coming out of the room and me saying ' what lovely eyes you have ' and her replying 'all the better to see you with my love'
alas it was not to be.
she came out with waterfalls of tears. and that lasted all the way to yesterday.
crybaby. heh. apparently she's sensitive, well i say , definitely not a sensitive soul.
ooops :)

v. hive at great world has a furniture clearing out sale and we bought a table for our room from the boss collection. i got a big kick out of its title 'ceo table'


A said I was prospering. I agreed I was putting on the pounds.
I need to put on the pounds in all the right areas, namely, the wallet, and not the wallet area, aka the rear.

heh. that rhymed.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

the journey is long, but at least there are some interesting sights along the way. so much so it is a pity that you cant jump right into the action. the question to ask is, are you content with the scenary, or do you feel you're missing out.

the prosecuting story is always more colouful than the defence, well, defences.
the truth isnt always as exciting as the fabrication.
saying 'you did this ' , has more oomph than saying 'i did not'
plain truth is, as its name, plain.

so lives and relationships get ruined because of the innate voyeur lurking in us even though we piously attempt to deny is existence. because nobody really needs the truth, but we forget that the victim needs it, and that should be more important that gossip and fun isnt it.

but alas, life is such. and at the end of the day, we should just be thankful that the consequences meted out are just distorted images of ourselves. which we should be strong enough to live with.

the exonarated is perhaps, the biggest release of all.
but what a weird world we live in.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

the journey is long, but the scenaries keep changing. but maybe it may be more exciting to jump right into it, where the action lies.
sometimes, i still feel indignant whenever i think about it. to think i was positively squealing with excitement admist the warnings, only to have it blow up almost mockingly in my face.
well, all's well, ends well.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

animal prints...

Saturday, April 05, 2008

money money money... it's not funny.....

money may not be everything, but money is definitely something.
money offers you a false sense of confidence, but false can turn to true with a matter of the right attitude.
money earned on your own gives you one of the best satisfaction in the world.
money offers upgrades and treats to yourself, but most importantly, your loved ones.

i'm going to work like crazy.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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