jem with me.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

they say for every difficult situation there is bound to be compromise. but we've been brought up thinking that that word means equal and fair to both parties. i think we've been misled into believing only a half truth, because it's rubbish. someone's going to feel shortchanged, and it often ends with one party giving in slightly more, but then the purpose is also defeated because compromise is supposed to make two people happy, but how can they be happy if one feels resentful and the other is mutinous.
i think compromise is supposed to make people feel happier, which isnt the same as happy at all.

and honestly, when it reaches a point, it's either THAT way, or GO AWAY.

life works in such a way that sad things has to happen so you can treasure what happiness is.
sometimes, i find myself conjuring images, and it isnt a stab like how it used to be. it's more like a dull ache now, and hell, i can deal with dull aches.

on a lighter note

office is finally painted!
all that's left is the plumbing, but that's not so crucial cause there are toilets downstairs, and some more furniture to get, which is also not so crucial because i dont have so many people yet.


donations welcome. ;)


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