jem with me.


Friday, October 31, 2008

it's typical really.
the questions or comments that spew forth, inquisitive.

at family gatherings
'so do you have a boyfriend?'

at weddings
'it's going to be your turn soon!'

no it bloody well will not.

but one just has to smile sweetly right back and plant that look of faint embarrassment when u reply 'no boyfriend', and put up with their patronizing comforting words of 'soon soon'

i'm running out of excuses, and they say i'm running out of time.

sometimes i;m so tempted to say 'oh yes i do have a boyfriend' but then the lie would get bigger and before you know it, ive got an imaginery boyfriend and that's just sad.

and sometimes i'm so tempted to say 'i'm not interested in guys' which they would probably laugh and give that sickening patronizing smile and say ' not yet you will soon'

soon soon soon. soon u bloody soon la.

and sometimes, i feel like saying 'ive been having girlfriends not boyfriends!'
but then, i think they wont be able to take the shock.

either that, or they cant get it, or wont get it.

sigh double sigh

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

happy holiday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tuesdays, smoochdays.
throw some ice cubes into the boiling pot.

sometimes i wonder what drives a person to wish he was somewhere else than he is. and other times i seem to understand too well it's borderline scary.
they say knowledge makes you wise but i think i was happier ignorant. some facts are best left not understood.

they always say count your blessings but in times of rage you forget how your basics. they always say, when a child is in tantrum he cant learn anything. all i can say is this does not only apply to children and all psychologists or even the average man can tell you.

sunshine after the storm. may it stay warm forever.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

let's have some interaction activity.

what is the most important thing that sustains a relationship and why.

my answer is contentment.
because when you hope and you expect and it all falls short, then ure in trouble.

tag me! im curious.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

tuesdays, boozedays

and so, the teeth dropping dreams have returned, this time seemingly with a vengence.
ever had those days where you just need a break from everyone and everything?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

banyan tree bintan.


home for the next few days.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

another happy saturday.

bravos to maumau, jem, and yun for courage. ;)

Friday, October 10, 2008

the problem with books by author mike gayle is that it is hardly chick lit. it's more like dick lit. actually, no scrap that.
his insight towards relationships, it's too honest. refreshing? yes, but only if you are strong enough to handle. because we always know, the truth hurts.
perhaps it's the meloncholic dramatic side of us that emerges when we read phrases that really jump right out at us and almost mockingly points at you, tauntingly screeching 'i know what ure going through right now.'
empathising? maybe. comforting. not one bit.

his books touch on commitment, how relationships build and fall apart, dashing and raising your hopes, because you're devouring every sentence as though it was talking to you.

when i read zen's blog about her crying when she heard meryl streep's version of 'the winner takes it all' i went to youtube to see what the fuss was about. and i couldnt find any reason. i dismissed it as one of those 'titanic moments' and titanic moments being how everyone cried at titanic and i was only a little sad because the ship sank in real life and i didnt really bother about the lovers in reel life.

more of, it's a girly thing.

and then today i went to paragon M1, and there was 'the cd shop' blasting the song. maybe it was the speakers, but surprisingly, haha i teared right there on the spot ( for only a second mind!) and all i could think of, 'shit you zen you were right all along.'

and my next thought was 'you were right too'

it was probably due to my extreme exhaustion given that i had barely 2 hours of sleep the night before, and hmm what's the famous line? physically mentally emotionally exhausted.

conclusion zen and cher: it's only emoting vulnerable idiots that love the song.
and it's on repeat mode now too!

i'm off to switch to dancing queen or something.

i dont want to talk, because it makes me sad..

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

a happy saturday.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

some words should be left unspoken.
because sometimes, the silence says everything for you. and the unspoken knowledge speaks volumes.
and that's more than words.

boy, am i settled . :)

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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