jem with me.


Friday, October 31, 2008

it's typical really.
the questions or comments that spew forth, inquisitive.

at family gatherings
'so do you have a boyfriend?'

at weddings
'it's going to be your turn soon!'

no it bloody well will not.

but one just has to smile sweetly right back and plant that look of faint embarrassment when u reply 'no boyfriend', and put up with their patronizing comforting words of 'soon soon'

i'm running out of excuses, and they say i'm running out of time.

sometimes i;m so tempted to say 'oh yes i do have a boyfriend' but then the lie would get bigger and before you know it, ive got an imaginery boyfriend and that's just sad.

and sometimes i'm so tempted to say 'i'm not interested in guys' which they would probably laugh and give that sickening patronizing smile and say ' not yet you will soon'

soon soon soon. soon u bloody soon la.

and sometimes, i feel like saying 'ive been having girlfriends not boyfriends!'
but then, i think they wont be able to take the shock.

either that, or they cant get it, or wont get it.

sigh double sigh


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