jem with me.


Monday, October 06, 2003

2nd lesson:
"Sacrifice. You made one. I made one. We all make them. But you were angry over yours. You kept thinking about what you lost... Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to..... A mother works so her son can go to school.. A daughter moves home to take care of her sick father.. A man goes to war...."

okie.. here's the second lesson from the book.. day by day I am falling in love with Mitch Albom! ha.. he's very inspiring..
hmm.. ok let's discuss sacrifice. well with all due respect, the word sacrifice has been overly praised. I always thought that sacrifice should come from each self, sincerity and genuine attachment. But it seems like other elements such as obligations, responsibilities, perhaps even pride have to be takein into account. take for example a businessman who is also a father. He may sacrifice a promotion because tt would mean longer office hours. But what if he is by nature a very responsible person and he sees this as part of his duty? I wouldnt really call that a great sacrifice..

went to watch '28 days later' today.. erm.. well.. it wasnt That bad.. I mean.. hey guys it could have been worse. haa.. erm.. ok sorry! but it wasnt my fault 'turn left turn right' had no seats! ha..

to whom it may concern: We live in a very complicated world condemned with rules.. and misunderstandings are many even amongst love ones.We all yearn for acceptance especially within our family.. 2 people in love and wanting to be together isnt that simple anymore. so what happens? 2 choices: 1) give up everything that you have. Forget the love. Live with memories only. 2) take each day as it comes. I grew to realise that it's true that things do have a funny way of working out. When your situation seems totally screwed up, sometimes.. a screwdriver comes along. Who knows what will happen. It's a long long way to go.. but slowly.... *nudges cheryl* (man man ;p ) cheers guys.. I'm always ard to talk and listen.

You used to be my form of escapism.. you were my fantasy.. now when I hold you.. I never have to be afraid or run away.. cause I know now..finally.. you are my reality.


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