jem with me.


Saturday, October 18, 2003

" He was a man."

" yes, sweet boy."

" And he was a woman?"

" God has not made such things."

" God has made everything."

This is taken from the book 'Art and lies' by Jeanette Winterson, this little controversial extract which arrested my attention and totally swept me away. It is very apt for those which are caught in a particular situation.
I always believed and will always believe that we have choices in life, and sometimes, circumstances mould the way we are. But ultimately, whoever we become, as long as we do no harm to others, we will remain God's children.
Ok I'm gushing but I really do like those sentences a lot.. and that is an understatement! especially the last line. God has made everything. The man in question, although is a woman, it doesnt matter, for he/she was sweet, and I'm sure he/she gave much love.. and isnt that what God all about? love?

You are one of heaven's gifts to me.. and I thank God for you... and I thank you.. for just being you.


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