jem with me.


Saturday, October 11, 2003

A new born baby a mother's joy yet it cries
A clock that ticks the time away, it drags yet it flies
A mouth that turns up yet it's down
A face with wisdom yet it frowns
A wound it heals yet it scars
Feelings so tender yet it mars
A heart that feels to love and hate
An urging to leave, a desiderate to wait
A world that's wrought with irony......
Take the world for all its issues;
take me as I am
the world will accord its sun,
and I will be the one..

Christianity has done a great deal for love by making a sin of it.
--Anatole France
Just a little something for you all to think about. kinda makes sense right? love shouldnt be a sin.. and it isnt. not in my opinion anyway. But wrong or right...... I'll just love you....


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