jem with me.


Friday, October 03, 2003

I'm not going to put a toe out of line; I'm gonna stamp out.

The solid reassurance and uniformity when we conform, the capacity of knowledge to remain within social norms for fear of rejection, humiliation or the rare but present fatality. Conformity has its advantages, and sometimes it isnt really very deficient - i feel that the price of conformity has been highly exaggerated. But look at me..who am I?
I might be a minuscule of the human race, or the entire creature race, but I am still someone. I still possess the basic structure of a human anatomy, I have the inner organs inside my body. In this aspect, I am you. Therefore, I have the advantage, in terms of physical terms over others who do not have the fortune of what I have. I have conformed. But I am not you.

My left brain might be bigger than yours, my intellect might be higher, my maturity might be exceeding, my powers of character differ from yours. You might even be smarter than me. But most of all, my heart is different. Not the organ, but the heart within my soul that makes up me. The way I feel about how I choose to behave that might be a far cry from what is socially accepted. Life is always a battledome. But I have defiance. I have strength.And I have choice. The choice to curb who I am and live by majority's rules, or the decision to be who I am. Who am I? I am Me. And I love myself.

We cant always do what we want to do. All the crap about you are the one living your life is bullshit. All loved ones have to be taken into consideration. But always always bear in mind that should the love be reciprocrated, somehow some way, you're gonna turn out fine cause everything and everyone will eventually help you.

I'd like to wish upon a star.. that love be with us wherever we are...


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