jem with me.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wisdom is having knowledge but knowing when to share it. It is the acceptance of responsibility that your choices could mean significant consequences for someone else's life. The weight of this burden threatens to wear a person down, but perseverance is placing your life in God's hands and trusting that He will empower you with the courage to do what is right in His eyes.
Wisdom is to turn anger into pity, without the self righteousness that often come with it. It is about humility to recognize that everyone should be respected, whether you feel they deserve it or not. Only God can judge, and by each disparaging comment made, you offer yourself up to sin, and that prevents you from being the best person you can be.
It is frustrating when you see a train of thought so clearly but the person most important to you doesn't see it. Wisdom is saying your piece and taking a step back, and pray with fervent hope that God will touch them.

Dear God, help us to be wise.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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