jem with me.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

looking back, the arguments we had last time with our families and friends all seem so trivial as compared to the problems we face now, and maybe in the future.

in fits of anger, it is common knowledge that we all say things we do not mean. given our individual characters or personalities, some of us are harsher, some of us not so.

but it has never been accepted that words spurted out can be brushed off just because it was an emotional moment.

when we grow older, our words take on more power, wider vocabulary, but they all seem intent on one goal: to hurt. and usually, these goals are reached.

but at what cost? words out of our mouths can never be swallowed back. and some words follow others throughout a long period of time.

growing older should be proportional to wisdom. the wiser we are, the more responsible we are. careless callous word uttered, consequences happen.

but oh my, so many of us, are unable to deal with the unpleasant repercussions. and given the immaturity of many, it just simply leads to more finger pointing, and a whole vicious cycle begins again.

exercise the willpower and discipline to think before speaking. difficult, and yes, sometimes you feel the urge to unleash the anger, but it only reflects the ugly side of you, and you must always remember how it affects the people around you, whether directly or indirectly involved.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

looking forward to a weekend ++ road trip . A getaway to get away. hur.

not that life is so bad that one needs to escape, but sometimes it is good to take a breather from all the little insignifcant significant things that irk you. and boy, that list seems to be getting longer and longer.

but i have learnt, that sometimes no matter how irritated u are, for the sake of the greater good, one needs to exercise the art of tolerance. and unleash it out in other ways other than bitching. i guess. haha god give me strength!

anyway the dragon and i gave a little donation to Action for Singapore Dogs, and bella and duey's pictures get to be on the annual ASD calendars i give u girls each year!
:) they are still looking for sponsors, so do visit their website if you wish to give some money.

alrighters back to work

Friday, June 04, 2010

taking a quick breather from an extremely hot, humid and hectic afternoon.
looking forward to a rain shower ( the one from the clouds and the one in the bathroom)

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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