jem with me.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

sometimes we do things, or say things, or even think things that leave us feeling guilty, but alas, it's only temporary, and only lasts till the next time some deserving or undeserving person crosses our path, or just simply irks us.

but really, i do, for the ten thousandth time, wonder why we can just be so thoughtless, or so insensitive, or just plain rude. and i wonder how we can neglect other people, get caught up in own lives, dont spare a thought for feelings, and the list just goes on and on and on.

sure, we have our reasons for screaming at our parents, we have our reason for yelling at some inefficient customer service officer, or we have our reasons for living in your own dreamworld, or we haave our reasons for so many thousand things, but really, sometimes, we all need to remember that what we do is targeted at a person, be it a friend, relative, lover or stranger.

well guilty me! i have the theory down pat, i try to empathise sympathise whatever-ise, but the cycle just goes on and on and on.

anyway enough of that aside!
feeling pleased, touched up the scratches in my car, cleaned it up thoroughly, and suddenly i love my car again.

was at sentosa cove this morning and took a drive with yl for fun to see all the houses. one of the road names is called 'treasure island' haha i cant decide if it's cool or not!
imagine filling up forms and writing ' 1 treasure island' haha. actually i think it's quite cool.
especially if my name is like johnny or something! heh.

was wow-ing at all the houses, and fantasizing about living there with all my vips. hey guys, come over for mahjong. and then u guys will be like, ok, let me drive my boat over and park at ur berth. see u in 5!

haha! i prob cant even afford the mailbox!

what was that eminem song again? something about oops and back to reality.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

it's 4pm in the afternoon and i can feel my eyelids dropping. ive heard of power naps but i have a feeling the minute i try that, im not gonna wake up.
i blame the weather. you all will have to bear with me talking about the weather here and on facebook constantly because hey, it bugs me!
i feel like going for a swim.

so life's been hectic recently, or as one put it, fulfilling. it's filling, but fulfilling? i dont really think so. ive been losing a bundle in mahjong, i really dont feel like playing anymore! but on friday an all nighter session has been scheduled. so watch this space on monday to celebrate or commiserate with me.

the dragon's birthday was over the weekend. it was quite fun, albeit a little bit like a kid's party cause most of our staff brought their kids so hmm plenty of responsibility and gosh, if one day can exhaust me, i applaud parents, i really do.

ok im going to sign off now because i cant concentrate anymore. :(

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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