scoff scoff scoff. did you really just say that ??
rational tells me i should be more indignant, but i was more amused and amazed that you actualy said it then to feel an insult at all.
gosh! it's really true!
only those who matter to u can truly hurt you. and those who mean nothing, are just there for your pure entertainment.
i'm not looking forward to :
mousie going away for 1 month! who is going to entertain my drunken speeches!
i'm looking forward to :
drinking session tmr.
i'm not looking forward to :
mousie not being there at my drinking session!
i'm looking forward to :
meeting other friends. haha. ok enough already.
will miss you loads mousie! dont forget to email me when you have the time! and take care, be careful, dont lose your passport, lose your valuables, lose yourself and all the usual razz.