jem with me.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i'm sitting on the fence on whether love is supposed to be complicated or simple.

love is a random act, and sometimes you fall in love with the wrong person, or someone who's all wrong for you. should you then plunge recklessly and embrace its whole essence while it lasts and knowing it will never last and do the carpe diem and all that jazz, or should you proceed with caution, and maybe the person who is right for you is just round the corner.

but as logical as it sounds to do the latter, while you are carefully treading away, you could be waiting a long time, to a point where you wonder why you even left the one you left.
and only after you leave do you realise that the wrong person is actually the right one for you.
and you wish you had enough energy to put up with its wrongs.

complicated right.

shouldnt love be, i love you, you love me, happy family and all that. instead of wondering about all this wrong or right or maybe wrong or maybe right.

sometimes i think it could be, then again sometimes i think it's so difficult.

someone once told me it all boils down to how much you love the person, how much you're willing to fight. but someone also sang the famous song and the famous line we're all too familiar with that sometimes love just aint enough.

oh gawd! all this love headache.
love should be about marshmallows, but too many marshmallows just soften up your heart too much, and occasionally, your brain.
and hehe. sometimes your eyes, cause love is blind.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

you think you know it all, but seriously you're far from it.

how bitchy that comment is, unfortunately as all bitching goes, it's better to remain anonymous.

speak your mind with courage! come on, we all know we're bound by certain society rules, although i do pray that one day i'll be able to say it to your face.
and yes, it's a bit weird if i were to suddenly call you and say that right?

nasty angsty jem. not nice!

on a lighter note, several things to look forward to
1. party tonight! man, it's been a long time.
2. debbie! we are meeting, arent we?
3. steamboat on friday!

and several good things happened too
1. big cases! more more!
2. yay! the pan family's car and van are going to be insured through me!
3. chatted to an old friend. BOINGZ! U KNOW WHO I AM REFERRING TO RIGHT!! HAHAHA

i dont know if boingz even reads my blog..

great great. i think lists are good. they help you to put things in perspective.
you know, get rid of e evil thoughts and unhappy feelings! it's marshmellows and cadburys all around.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

rub tummy for luck!
i can handle love, but not love handles.

and you retards! i bet you're reading this! havent u got anything better to do than to check up on us!

Friday, February 06, 2009

my grandma is very sick. prayers please.

she's really nice.

we do not have the luxury of free speech, because we're always imprisoned by the fear of repercussions. i always thought you must be a very strong minded being for having the courage to speak your mind.
but i slowly begin to realise, that there is the line between pigheadedness and straightforward.
the latter, of course, is praiseworthy, because a conversation with a straightforward someone leaves everyone feeling like a winner.
and the former, just plains put people down.

i feel sorry for those who encounter such people everyday. and i somehow wish they could instill the strength to blast back at the person. which wouldnt exactly be the socially right thing to do.
but i guess we all have to learn when to put our foot down, but not stamp on others' toes while we do it.

and there are the times you feel like speaking your mind, but you shouldnt, because you know nothing constructive is going to come out of your mouth and it would be pure bitching. and much as we love to bitch about people, i guess it hurts people's feelings.
that said, there is too, that fine line between bitching and gossiping.
bitching is just plain malicious, and the bitch usually has no courage to admit out loud what has been said or done.
and gossip, is just gossip, to laugh together about something, not laugh together at someone.

one of the things i'm filled with gratitude for is my network of support. people whom i can rely on, whom i can trust whole heartedly, and you always know where you stand with them.

and the other thing, i think i turned out pretty ok as a person.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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