jem with me.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

-inserts music - my way..and so.. the end is near..

byebye 08.

i look forward to 2009. i am determined to lose some weight, work very hard, earn lots of money, give my family money, pay off some debts, buy another car and a house.

oh yes, throw in a holiday. a nice holiday. not a weekend getaway to some nearby island but one where i have to take a plane and it lasts at least 4 or 5 days. a holiday with no mobiles to disturb.

;) if one is going to dream, may as well dream big right? and who knows? with the right amount of effort and luck, maybe i will fulfill more than half of the above.

wish me luck everyone.

Monday, December 29, 2008

ive always thought people who say they love to run out into the rain and feel it on their faces and taste the rain on their lips were a tad melodramatic.

but, i cant escape the bout of gratitude i felt, when over the festive season, i was down with the most horrific case of gastric flu, and i was all hot and feverish and i almost crawled to the carpark to get some stuff from my car and lo and behold ! i never appreciated nature as much as that moment.


so christmas has come and gone. yl and i threw a xmas office party and for a virgin office party thrower i think it went quite well! although we panicked over the last minute food preparations and cheated by just buying roast chicken from cold storage, home made pasta and bbq chicken wings saved the day.

or maybe it was just the enormous amount of booze.


looking forward to my VIP party tonight!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

i would love to meet cecelia ahern in person, because she sounds so worldy wise in her books. i admire people who not only knows what the important things are in this world and yet also successfully imparts her knowledge to inspire her readers.

i think the hardest part about growing up is not seeing the wrinkles appear on your own face, but those of your parents. and i think attending loved ones' funerals is an inevitable experience but still horrifying nonetheless.
it's like, the older u become, the more people around you die.
and the impossibility of immortality is dreadful.

i hate it when the sickness come, the hospital stays, and the knowledge that passing on isnt too far away. and though the books always say you should treasure life, embrace death etc etc , it's useless information when it actually happens to someone else.

because when someone leaves, the ones who get left behind hurt the most.

listen to me now, it sounds as though someone passed on huh. CHOY CHOY CHOY AH!

it's just that the character in the book died. sorry for spoilers.

anyway on a lighter note, i'm really looking forward to the office xmas party round the corner.
and although markets are really not on my side and i lost a bundle, the festive mood isnt spoilt just yet.
on the contrary, it's growing!
i'm looking forward to more xmas shopping, albeit on big budgets. haha everyone get the hint.

read: i lost a bundle in the markets.

so get the hint now!!

and no it's not asking for money but just that VIPs, sorry about the presents side but u know what they say about thoughts counting. ;)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

investment or gamble? definitely the latter.
markets are fine, but i'm still waiting for prices to shoot throught the roof and the hear the melodic sounds of gold coins .

banks seem apprehensive about auto loans. sigh. bigger deposit doesnt seem to be doing the trick just yet. takes a high class magician to somehow hypnotize them.

work is getting better. found a new form of motivation which involves counting many chickens before it is hatched. better to have targets than not at all.

sick at home today.

2008. .
smiles all around.
i forgot the tears.

the best part? my best friend is finalllly coming home for good! i cant imagine how many years i have waited. next year u can be present at my birthday!

new car? new house? maserati? bunglow?

well, we are looking at targets arent we? :)

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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