jem with me.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sometimes, I want to say a lot of things out loud. But one should not give in to indulgences. Especially those that come with a price.

Strangers and close ones can usually see a clearer picture than you do, but only u experienced its sweet taste, and wondered at its magic. I guess some decisions are harder than others. And some choices are automatically made for u.

I used to get so angry. At destiny, fate whatever you call it. Something which happened out of your control, and the rage you feel that you had no other way but to be resigned to it.
But now, these things just make me sad. Because at e end of e day, I guess it was not meant to be. And when a door closes, another opens etc etc.
A lot of times I wish I didn't have one sided conversations. But now that u actually have a chance to respond but don't, it opens my eyes even wider and closes my heart a little more. I had a lot of hopes and expectations, but friendship, is really fragile.
For what we had, I wish u well.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.


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