It's so strange, how u read about the life about someone else and feel such empathy about them being the victim yet you were once in the shoes of the perpetrator.
But it's relieving to know that experiences do make you realise how dreadful a certain kind of behaviour is.
Attention is an indulgence. And I am so guilty of this sin. :S but at least we are all growing up huh? Well for some of us at least.
And I know violence is childish and it's so contradictory to the above statement, but really, I still do feel like punching you so hard my knuckles split. -frowns-
There's only how many times you can hurt someone you know? How many times you can play the same game and say the same words.
Cut out your matyr-fucking crap please !
Read the news about the abuse at the nursing home. If I hurt so much from reading it, I can't imagine how the patient and her family must feel.
I've always admired nurses and care-givers, always applauded at their infinite patience.
But I'm filled with such loathing towards the 2 staff now. I know it's not easy, but please, you chose this profession, show some commitment you bullies!
And I feel like splitting my knuckles all over again.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.
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