jem with me.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

i cant remember what the flick was called, but it was about some dentist, and in his colleague's room, there was a poster about ghandi saying the wise words of 'only a life lived for others is worth living', and immediately i felt so small because that sentence is just so powerful and profound.

it went against everything i ever believed. i always had the generation y thinking, you know, you only have one life so do what you want as long as you try not to hurt anyone etc etc etc
but maybe i am just oh so wrong and selfish. maybe that's why i am contented with my life but not wholly satisfied.

yet, if i were to ask myself honestly,if i were to do what the sentence says, i doubt i can do it, or rather i doubt i want to do it.

i truly admire selfless people. how on earth do u put aside ur own desires and put others' wants before yours?
( slightly random, but i have the same admiration for professions such as nurses. their dedication to their job amazes me)

anyway back to the topic. for myself, i think if i make some sort of sacrifice, instead of feeling pleased that i made someone else's life more comfy for a little while, i get all grumpy and resentful. and that is horrible. at least i recognise the problem now, all thanks to a chick flick show.

to sum it up, i must be more... good. excuse the awful grammar, but i cant think of any other way to put it.
yups, i have approx 2 more months before santa comes to town.


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