jem with me.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

i realised that most of them, people who go to you for advice, they already know the answers for themselves. they just need someone to say the words in their heads out loud.

and the more you talk, the more you usually talk them out of doing the right thing by them because people are subtly rebellious by nature.

so though it might really irk you to see them in their state, you must resist the urge and just provide what they really need: a listening ear.

humans are also self destructive. they cant tell a good thing when it's in front of their eyes, and they welcome the wolf with open arms even when the stupid wolf isnt wearing its sheep clothing.
and when you ask them why, they either think they can change the wolf into a dog, or they say the wolf just looks bad but its teeth arent sharp.

i shall just follow the first paragraph's advice, because really, i can help you to take off your sunglasses, but if ure blind, you're blind.


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