jem with me.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010


do u know that if u save money in a 'kong kong ( piggy bank), u can actually save quite a lot if u throw in ur loose change everyday. i tried it for the past year and wooppee, when i went to tokyo, i opened up my 'kong kong' ( which was aptly decorated with dollar bills- unfortunately fake) and voila i had additional $1k over to spend!

anyway, ive been saving again, after emptying out the portable bank for tokyo trip in lieu for the next holiday but the dragon's birthday is coming up . it's on labour day! ( i wonder if her mum's friends told her any corny jokes when she gave birth. like whee! ure going to labour on labour day! or wah, labour day still must labour) alright probably not.

anyway we went walking around at the newly opened gucci store at paragon and she saw a pair of slippers which she reallly liked but it was too ex for a lousy pair of slippers but i caught her glancing and glancing and glancing and glancing and glancing wistfully at it.
so that as a birthday present?

speaking of holidays, im looking forward to the june one with the vips. what was it again? sun sand sea song sing sang sung? hunky guys and whee oo wheet girls! ;)
( that was supposed to be a wolf whistle anyway)

the weather is freaking hot. can only hope that additional pespiration leads to losing more weight. ( does it work like that anyway)

i keep dreaming about going to sentosa and soaking in the pool with a bottle of white wine or bubbles . but ting! the bubble bursts all too soon.

arg. alright back to work.


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