jem with me.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

was reading the best friend's blog, and she was did this thing called the power of 'IF'
i thought it was so interesting. i think the power of 'if' is very dangerous, because you might start looking at alternative scenarios and begin to get discontented, but hey, if it's just for fun, why the hell not!

here we go.

if i get pregnant, i'll: ( ok so this is a bit not me but who cares!)

2) go through that dilemma of keeping it or not
3) make THE decision.
4) make THE appointment.
5) Never have sex again

if im not married, i'll: ( for simplicity's sake, let's just pretend im married and not attached)

1)- (this is gonna sound reallllll bad, but its my honest honestttt words) sleep with at least 2/3 people.... just to know what's lurking in the market. HAHA! SORRRRRRY I JUST HAD TO STEAL YOUR LINE CAUSE YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH.
2) still smoke.
3) probably have no clue what to do with my life.
4) sleep at ungodly hours.
5) i'd probably say club more, but this i'm not too sure.

if i had all the $$ in the world, i'll: ( to make it more realistic, i'm gonna change it to 'if i had a lot of money'

1) Buy a nice house for my parents.
2) buy a nice home for yl and myself
3) change the above 2 to cars.
4) treat my VIPs to weekend getaways
5) buy an office, instead of renting
6) have my own maid. or maybe get a maid for my parents, then ask her to come clean my house once in a while. ( jo u didnt read this!)
7) have a few dogs
8) sponser jo's bidded car plate

if i had a super power, i'll:

1) this is hard. i kinda want to be wolverine, but a pair of claws isnt much good in singapore.
2) i would also want to turn back time, but i think i dont have enough responsibility to deal with that kinda of power, cause i'll just get complacent.
3) im gonna skip this.

if i could re-do my sec school days, i'll:

1) hmmmmmmmm. i would have done my hair sooner! hehehe
2) flaunt my slim body more. hehe
3) hmmm go out more ! ! especially at night.
4) played around more. in every sense of the word. ;)
5) not be friends or more than friends with certain people...
6) and oh..the ultimate... i would have been nicer... to a certain someone. ( Im sorry d!! and no it's not dele i was always very nice to dele. )



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