jem with me.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the sun got tired of playing hide and seek and came out into the open.
mr wind helped by blowing some of the rain clouds away too.

so life has picked up a great deal from the past week, and overall, everything looks good.

they always say, live life like you have no regrets. i kinda think that is not possible, but not too impossible either.
of course there are many things i wished i totally left out altogether.
and then there are some which i look back and realise i should have done it differently.
they say the lessons and experiences are valuable, but i havent decided if it was worth it.

but then u begin to think, all's been said and done, what on earth does its price matter?

you just take the lessons, and carry on living.
throw your mistakes over your shoulder!

and once you begin to understand that, i think life just takes on a new meaning altogether.

along the way, you may meet people. and i dont mean those you meet for just a little while, but those who came and imprinted something in your life. and life was good because of it, yet it brought about a whole lot of bad.
and many consequences meted out, misunderstandings incurred, bitterness tasted etc; that the essence of the initial meeting and its subsequent feelings gets lost and forgotton.

expectations are deadly, and usually brought about my promises. but to expect that a promise is kept, cynically speaking, is deadly. and if a promise is kept, woo! you're the lucky one.

i remember promises and honeyed words ive given and received in return. usually, it ends up with many finger pointing matches.
someone once also told someone, they dont believe in words or a promised future, and we should never promise it too lightly too.
but lost in a state of delirious romance coupled with daredevil attitudes, you're ready to take on the world.
only to realise that sometimes it's really you against the world.

you forge a pact with someone. but that's all it is. forgery.

sometimes death takes a person from you when you least expect it. most of the time, you dont get to say goodbye. live everyday like it's your last. that's not realistic either. as ive always said, it's about the balance, and the art of finding that perfect balance.
sometimes death comes a knocking. and you get to slam your door shut. sometimes the door is unlocked. sometimes it steals in through the open window.

there isnt a way to deal with death except to grieve. and that's it. that's the true meaning of loving someone. the one who gets left behind grieves.

and the sentence just typed out doesnt only apply to deaths but to all.

except dont forget that sometimes, the person who died, or the person who left, didnt choose it too.

i look around me and sometimes i feel sorry for people, and sometimes i envy them. and i shake off these feelings, beause pity and jealousy consumes you. if you're not strong enough, pitying someone turns you into an arrogant person, and jealousy just fills you with discontent.

i think we, as humans, should just take one step ahead, one after another, and their companions and friends and family matching you stride by stride, arm in arm.
now, that, is life.


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