jem with me.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

migraines are just like incessant simply cant wait for it to go away. and the peace that followsmakes you want to whoop and cheer.
unfortunately, im not at that stage yet. but fortunately im eagerly anticipating the future that the present doesnt seem so important.

i wonder, when you're sick in body, does that make you sick in heart too? or does it happen the other way round. like, when you're sad, the body kinda just shuts down too because you just want to turn into a recluse. or is it because when you're sick, you're just moody and more hormonal and emotional than usual.

what is the point of this anyway.

i read somewhere today that in a playing card, the only king that doesnt have the signature moustache is the king of hearts. fancy that! i wonder how many people acutally observed that on their own.

i also learnt that the dot over the alphabet i is called the tittle. now im just dying to say this to someone 'hey your tittle is missing.' and watch their eyes spiral downwards before they realise they must have misheard or misunderstood. well excuse me, im sick so therefore i have a sick mind and i really think tittle sounds a bit like ... well well leave it your imagination cause i have a clean and healthy blog here! hehe

and lastly, a snail can sleep for 3 months.
sigh. i'd like to be a snail for a little while. hide under my shell and sleep it all away.


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