jem with me.


Friday, January 30, 2009

tagged by jo, but this is hard!
25 randoms about me.

1. i think my rabbit is the cutest furball in the whole entire world.

2. everytime i see a white bmw 325 i imagine it's mine.

3. one day i'm gonna get it and it wont be my imagination after all!

4. sometimes i wish i drove a fiery red ferrari to show off, or a lambourghini. heh.

5. i just spilt red wine all over my papers! arg! tissue tissue!

6. today is friday! and i am looking forward to the weekend.

7. the favourite number of my one in a million and suddenly i miss her! i havent spoken to u in
eons babe and speaking of eons i better get round to collecting the t shirts.

8. macallen is my favourite liqour but i dont know if i spelt it right.

9. when i was young, my ambition is to be a singer.

10. and although i never made it to the charts i'm thankful that windows dont smash when i warble. heh.

11. i miss playing basketball sometimes.

12. i resolve to be a better pool player cause the dragon gets bored playing with me cause i lose

13. having said that, i dont think i'm that bad, just not as good. ;p

14. my client said happy 'niu' year to me today and went moooo and laughed like it was the funniest thing on earth.

15. and i laughed until my chest muscles hurt again because it was actually quite hilarious and he sounded uncannily like a real cow. and then i closed the case. hee.

16. i wish i lived in a house with a garden so i can have charcoal bella and one more dog and a cat.

17. i dont mind turtles and terrapins but i havent decided if i am afraid of tortoises.

18. i want to swim with dolphins someday and have them rescue me from sharks. ;p

19. i sleep topless. ( not that u wanted to know but that was random!)

20. i think the bed at ritz carlton is the fluffiest bed i have ever slept on.

21. i shall buy jo a pair of crocs for her birthday and since it's a present from me she has to like it and then she will be forced to concede that crocs aint so bad after all.

22. i dont like people to mix my food for me either!

23. i secretly fantasize that a certain actress is my gf. hahaha it's too embarrassing to say who it is here.

24. i like trance music a lot, esp the ones with the strong bass so i can chu all my ah beng pattern. hehe.

25. im off to karaoke!


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