jem with me.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

i realised now that we are usually too quick to dismiss people as over dramatic, or roll our eyes when others go hysterical in theatrics.
but of course the disclaimer is that some people are just drama queens au naturale. heh.

but sometimes, people react the way they do because of the uncontrollable emotionally charged adrenaline rushing through the body. heating up the body and numbing the sensible side of us.
and emerges a persona we never knew existed until it is forced out of us, to the extent that after it is all over you are amazed it actually happened.

of course, alcohol fuelled is usually a factor.

addiction is so hard to kick, even it makes you sick. that's the problem with vices. that's the reason why we cant quit smoking, or reduce the amount of alcohol drunk. because you are so aware of the consequences but when the sun comes out you conveniently forget to bring your umbrella because you take it for granted that just because there are no dark clouds in sight doesnt mean a thunderstorm isnt lurking somewhere round the corner.

some activities are meant to be a social gathering, a way of fun.

i sure have not been having lots of fun lately.


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