jem with me.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i think it's not very cute that a person can be absolutely convinced the day is jinxed, and she should just burrow under the covers till the day is over in order not to mess up the day even more than it already is.

if it was a monday, i'd label it monday blues. wednesdays are supposed to be lucky, i mean, it's supposed to be our night isnt it? ok i dont know how that logic got planted in my head.
maybe it's the middle of the week, and let's face it, since when does anyone like getting caught in the middle and dont ask me how that particular logic got planted as well.

i'm longing for a holiday. i know i just came back from phuket but if u have realised the lack of blogging about that holiday is a sign that there was lack of fun. sure there were some good bits, but that's all it was, bits.
i was totally unimpressed. i would have enjoyed it much more if i was granted an extension, but an extension at the price of almost additional $400 for a couple of days was not worth it, even if i had money to throw which i unfortunately dont.

just read y's blog about the beemers. the only 1 series i ever saw were hatchback! u have just opened my eyes to a whole new world.
chatted about cars yesterday. too bad it remained just a chat, and no further development. haha
come on, have your feet firmly planted in the ground and be contented with a honda.
when the business grows ok? next year jem next year!


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