jem with me.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

footprints in your life, some are firmly inprinted in the rocks, never to be erased. and some, at the edge of the sea, where the tides vanish them. and some, just in the sand, out of reach from the pull and calling of the wild seas. and there they can remain, until someone comes along to brush them away, or you trample all over them yourself.

i think my purpose for meeting her, i think, she taught me how uncomplicated love should be. but ironically, it's because of this lesson, showed me how complicated it actually is. she showed me a kind of happiness that one only has the blessing to receive once. but it doesnt mean one cant be happy anymore, it's just a different kind, but its essence remain the same. i understood what it meant to be grateful for little things, because the way she left could have been more ominous, one that would break the heart a lot more. and because of her, i evolved into someone i thought i never would become.
i got tired of a lot of things, even now, the exhaustion, though not outwardly evident, is still an inner struggle everyday.

and i think, my purpose for meeting her, was life showing me what sort of person i can become, and bringing out a certain potential in me. because of her, i closed a chapter, one that had its pages brutally torn off, with sentences uncompleted, but i still closed it. she taught me, not by verbal lessons, or even by her actions. it was just her presence, being with her, that showed me how different love can be, and each is as great as each other. realistically, with her distraction, it was easier to look forward. and one day, i decided, i want to move along to wherever with her. i understood how you can be lost, and part of you gets left behind, but someone will see something in you that can give you direction again.

people do great things in your life. and sometimes words arent just enough to thank them, or to explain how it affected you. the way life goes, sometimes you just let the wind carry to you, either to turbulent times, or to calm waters. but god will carry you to safety.

why live dangerously anymore? i'm settled. i'm done with that whole part of my life.


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