jem with me.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

at times,i feel like an angry tiger enclosed in a small cage, and i'm just pacing up and down waiting for an unweary victim to unleash my fury. it's akin to a restless teenager just itching for a fight.

but these times are getting minimal. not because it gets better, but it's simply too tiring to keep up. and what replaces the anger, is just shrugs, albeit a certain sense of unsettledness.
there's an air of resignation around, it seems like im perptually waving the white flag, and looking for a way out of this.

and sometimes i find it. the momentary happiness is still pretty unbelievable.

i havent quite got round to figuring it out yet, but im not going to bother.

im trying to clear the broken pieces, but im cutting myself again and again in the i do the next best thing, i simply turn the other way so i dont have to view the mess i created.

escapism. arent i always the best at that.


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