jem with me.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

sometimes when i am driving, i gaze out of the window, and when i see the sky, it saddens me.

because sleeping underneath the same sky used to bring me comfort. but now i just think, so does everyone else. and i dont feel special any longer.

i also admit that im too contradictory for my own good, and now i think i became a little bit too warped for me to recognise myself.

but from the words of a wise old friend im only answerable to myself.

and who knows best but myself? if i am so confused and i dont know myself, how can others know. despite all those about outsiders knowing best etc, i beg to differ.

perhaps closure, is just to close this whole episode.

i'll know when the time is right and what to do.

yeah.. when the time is right...


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