jem with me.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

sarah geronimo- forever's not enough.

this simple heartfelt song will become perfect,
you just need to find that someone to sing it to.

i feel as though ive grown up a little more within these few days.

because what one goes through makes you a little more knowledgeable, a little wiser.
and the actions one take, the thoughts, the words spoken, they make you realise they turn you into someone else a little older.

also from the scenes played out in front of you.

appearances dont really count at the end of the day. and when someone holds back, the other is holding back too. and in the rare moments where they dont, the moment lives on.

maybe, just maybe, that someone shares the same fears, yet the same dreams as you.

everyone is afraid to get hurt.
and no one is an exception.


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