jem with me.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

i didnt know that when christians go through water baptism, they can choose a baptism name, just like how catholics have their confirmation names.
anyway i guess it's preferably meant for those with only chinese names to pick a name, but what the hell! my mummy asked me to choose.

of course i had my beloved ignatius. i love that name!

had a time persuading her it was not too masculine sounding. st theresa's convent girls, thank god you had a principal by the name of sister ignatius. haha

she suggested suzanne, what the hell! suzanne is a nice name (ever the diplomat here) but come on, do i honestly look like a suzanne?

k suggested mary.
mary go. marigold?merry go?

let's not even go there!

all hail ignatius. a next tattoo maybe? grinz


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