jem with me.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

would you rather be a player or a cheerleader.
sometimes, it's difficult to be the latter when all you really want to be is in the game.
how does it feel to be benched?
and how to you muster the courage to evoke team spirits when what you actually want to do is to sulk and be resentful.

take this sports analogy and apply it to the sad truth of life.

maturity? experience? how do you progress from being the centre of the universe, to one who belongs with the universe.
how does selfishness fade, and community spirit flame?

how to you work to being humane?

for the life of me, i dont know. i only know that being part of a team, rewards you with a feeling of belonging.

and i only know that life is shit, but out of shit you can always produce something worthwhile.

arent the best crops grown from shit? yes and no. they are only successful because their farmers believed that that shit actually is pretty resourceful.

so where does that leave us?
attitude? character?

attitude and character.

it's something you have to work on man. not given to you just like that.

crumble, give in, and say goodbye to the years of harvesting put in.
such a waste, and such a pity dont you think.


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