jem with me.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

someone friendster-ed me something interesting, and i decided to give it a go, and forced jo to do it on the way.

'feel like saying something? get if off your chest. say something to ten people, the most honest and hearfelt msg. do not leave a name, if it's meant to be, they will know it for them.

partners not included.'

readers are invited to tag if they guess that they are one of the numbered people.

here goes.

1. Dear you, i dont always treat you the way you should be treated, and i take for granted the many sacrifices you have made for me. i dismissed the concerns you showered me, and i know i gave you a lot of trouble when i was growing up, and probably still do. i guess i am the cause of your outbreak of white hair. but you know, i do love you and you really are the very best.

2. Dear you, in a certain way, i watched you grow up. or maybe we grew up together, just that we were in two different places. i am proud of you, although i still do feel like shaking you really hard, just like when we were younger. haha. but you are a very special person, and i said it not very long ago, you do deserve better than what you have, and hey, dont let anybody put u down. and thank you for saying i am a perfect gentleman i love you even more for that. haha

3. Dear you, sometimes i wonder why you have such a weird thinking, when the plain cold truth is that you really are beautiful. and your flawless skin is something i am jealous of every single day! i am very thankful you look to me to look out for you, and i know you always got my back.

4. Dear you, one in a million. enough said.

5. Dear you, im sorry i treated you so horribly back when you/we were younger. a big part of me will always feel guilty, especially since you have so sweetly forgiven me. the memory of you buying my mountain dew after my pe lesson still makes me smile! and yes, please remember.

6. Dear you, every now and then, when a sudden memory hits me, i still shudder, then i berate myself for being so foolish. but you really gave the word monster a whole deeper meaning. but you know what, you cant hurt me anymore. and though you can scare me a little bit here and there, im protected now, and you cant get to me, physically, mentally, emotionally.

7. Dear you, you lent me the pen, not the other way around. and that act of generosity sparked off a whole new level of friendship. see.... sharing is good.

8. Dear you, legends live forever. sometimes, keeping it a legend makes it even more magical, because you dont have to deal with the complications of realism.

9. Dear you, some things are forbiddened.

10. Dear you, i reallllllllly dont like you. because you make me fear, and that's one of the feeling i hate the most. im scared you may her away. and this is to you and to you and ah. whatever.

ok done.
this has been interesting.
do tag me if you feel if it is you.
dont be afraid to be BHB!



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