jem with me.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

youth versus age.

at the end of the day, besides mentality, i guess a huge difference lie in the consequences you face.

when you're 13 and you break into a swimming pool for a midnight swim, and you hold your breath and hide underwater so that the police cant see you, you get off with a just a phonecall to the parents. ;)

but when you're 22 and you break into a school at night because you wanted to see what it was like after renovation but didnt want to meet any teachers, god help you if you get caught.


although maybe if you're an old girl you can get away with just another trip down the discipline office, just like the good ol' days?


when you're under the legal age and you consume vast amounts of alcohol and you spend the night tottering around, some people would admire you, some people would laugh, but generally you're just having fun.

but when you're 43 and you're tottering around, you'd better go for AA.

and that's alcoholic anonymous, not the battery.

when you scratch your bus pass from 84 to 81 so that you can buy cigarrettes, your friends applaud and you all share sticks together.

but when you're 23 and you smoke, all of you begin to wonder about how your complexion is going to turn out.

when you're a teenager, you get away calling it angst.
but when you're an adult, people just say get over it, you emo drama queen.

when you're a teenager, people rate your maturity through your actions.
when you're an adult, it's both your mentality and your actions.

so i limit this mostly to vice activities, but sometimes, really, you only get your youth once.

but at the end of the day, it really depends on who and what tops your list.

i took leave today. due to a number of reasons
ok maybe just one.

i dread it.
it's time to leave.


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