jem with me.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the trouble with staying ahead is that sometimes you look back and you realise everyone got tired along the way and nobody wants to follow you anymore. and because you were too busy staying ahead, you forget to turn your head to check, until it's too late. and then begins the dilemma of whether you should continue to forge ahead, or backtrack to search for the ones you lost.
what is the image that overshadows your mind before you go to sleep? who is the one you long to fall asleep with hand in hand? whose fingers are the ones between yours? who could have been the love of your life, if only you had not lost track of what was the most important.?
or maybe priorities were different then, and they have shifted. but like yours, the love of your life priorities may have shifted too, and what you want now, is only what she could have given.

perhaps, if you didnt forget along the way, things would have been a little different.the epitomy of too late.

the idea of it, scares the hell out of me.


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