jem with me.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

it's difficult being a spectator because you see the players rough it out in the field, and all they can depend on is themselves. you itch to help, it's agony, but a cheerleader -- that's the furthest you can go. yes, it's always hell watching from the sidelines, and that applies to everything.

well, im flying off tomorrow night in the wee hours of the morning. (doesnt that sound contradicting?)
6 days of girl talk! haha how bimbotic this sounds. but hey, a wedding, a birthday, hen's night, shopping, slumber parties all point to one thing, and that's girl bonding. lol
at least i am stopping short of feminist girl power talk.

i love getaways because you can, well, get away.

the only huge drawback is that k will not be with me. :(
i am going to miss her so much.
dont worry dar i will be calling you every single day!
friends in singapore, JANICE ARE YOU READING THIS! look out for her ok? haha i know i can count on you guys.

wish me a safe trip! ;p
and remember you are all loved by


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