jem with me.


Friday, September 08, 2006

sometimes, we must seek revelations, instead of awaiting the answers to fall upon us.
only then can we realise, and understand what really caters to us.

anyway, randoms aside. check this out!

audrey, jem and jo.
a few weeks back, i got bored of my fringe. and thus, during a lunch hour one day, audrey and i made rash decisions to chop it off. hence

i look like wood stock.

but i like!

the prawn with salted egg yolk , is one of the best dishes at crystal jade.
ok i know i should have taken a picture of the dish but uh, judge it by our happy faces.

our virgin cell group gathering. gwen looks like a cheshire cat.

I'm a few days late in blogging, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my bestest Louey!
i am so envious of that girl. she decided she wanted a holiday and flew to Perth to visit the other 2. grr cant wait for Dec.

anyway Louey, thanks for all the encouragement. you're the most loyal friend i know! gosh.
you're my one of a kind.

we'll have ur celebration when ure back.


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