jem with me.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

it's amazing how a little thing can turn things around for you. it may be a mere conversation, its presence, or just a mere thought.
the antidote to balming and soothing wounds licked open lies in that little thing, and when it happens, you hold on to that moment for dear life.
that, is the art of treasuring.

we never ever really examine our actions, before we begin to accuse others. we are never ever really in the wrong. i guess human nature is built as such, a defence mechanism against hurting ourselves, although we realise that sometimes one doesnt have to protect our prides that much.

it may be raging storm, but one can get reluctant to return to shelter, despite all signs pointing to it. because sometimes your comfort does not lie in not getting caught in the rain, but love you draw from within is your warmth.
and then you know that it doesnt matter, because it's not time to go.

i'd rather be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm all alone.

sunshine after the rain? im gonna build a damn rainbow too.

just to inform you guys, my computer is down, therefore any emails i receive will not be read immediately till i go over to k's house, so anything urgent, sms me!


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