they call it the circle of life but too many things in life arent the least bit circular at all.
circles never have beginning or an ending.
but our lives do.
when the door closes, it seems like you shut the light out together with it. no matter how many people tell you that the sun is still streaming in through the window, you fail to notice because you are too busy hiding under the duvet, being angry at the one who's pointing out all these to u.
and when you finally decide to pull the covers down and think that he was right all along, sometimes some irreversible damage has already been done.
how often we do not think or look ahead, but are so wrapped up in our own misery.
it is true, that there must be sadness, only then you can appreciate the good around you.
received some emails recently and one sentence leaped out. 'we had some good times yeah'
no it wasnt from an ex lover.
on the contrary, it was from a friend. not my friend per se, but a friend. complicated? a little.
anyway, it did set me thinking. certain things end with certain things.
when you sever ties with someone, sometimes you cut off contact with a whole lot of other things as well.
perhaps that is a sacrifice, perhaps it was just part of the game which we willingly played ourselves into.
some things are not meant to be. it's better to let go.
the hardest part is telling someone that.
how do u open your mouth to someone who harbours so much hope, that every onuce is depended on every alphabet that comes out of your mouth.
dont shoot the messenger. but the messenger feels bad too.
gwen jo and i had dinner together last evening, and we talked about.. old times. or rather lamented.
i have so much to say but unfortunately restrictions restrictions.
oh well.
all i can say is, i love k.
That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »
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