jem with me.


Friday, August 25, 2006

perhaps you have been learning all along, but sometimes, you grasp the lesson really quickly.
it just a dawning realisation of something you may have subconsciously knew all along, or a sudden slap of how wrong you are.

i guess i am not the same person anymore. none of us are. we all evolve, grow in more ways than ones. that's what we call change i suppose.

i thought there will be certain moments where time will be at a standstill, moments where you can take yourself back in time and none of it will ever change.
it is true.
but that's all it is, just memories.

i understood.

ive been so hard for so long, i almost forgot what it was like to be a softie.
i forgot about how difficult it can get, how emotional one becomes.
is it worth it? no way.

and now i understand.

i understand the difference the big difference between love and tenderness.
what i felt then, and what i felt now.

but somewhere in me, an iceberg melted.


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