jem with me.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

who says there is a right setting for prayer?
even in the midst of chaos, the moment of spiritual peace that descends on you suddenly catches you by surprise, and leaves you filling more fulfilled and yes, perhaps that sense of relief you have been hankering for so long.

what turns you away? so many reasons, many of which you hope isnt the one. you plead for understanding, you seek for signs which you never want to be revealed, for fear of the repercussions of the answers the questions you never wanted to ask.

so many have forgotton its real meaning. they follow the rituals methodically and carefully, they study the word with all intention of scoring, but are they listening? or is everything a mere facade, a way of life that you're proud to get used to.

they point fingers but pretend to empathise with those whom they deem sinners. they criticize but pour out well-rehearsed verses of supposed sympathy.

the attendace is regular, yet they laugh at those who find handphones and return it instead of keeping it for themselves.

tell me my brothers and sisters, are you superior?

arent we all supposed to be the same, on the similar journey of finding the light?

and tell me, was your heart touched? or was your mind influenced?

leave me alone. my relationship is sacred. it is my personal quest to seek, and im not ready to share, or be helped.

let me tell you this. i am a christian because i believe. it's as simple as that. not because i attended church and got amazed.

and i am a believer not because i have read others testimonies of salvation.

it's because i have my own testimony, i have experienced divine intervention far too many times that what i deserve.

i feel blessed, because i value the blessings i have been given, and not because others have told me i am blessed.

i might not have the most perfect eyesight, but i am most definitely not spiritually blind.

i have a relationship with Him.


At 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, just a thought... did you realize that "silent" and "listen" are both made up of the same alphabets ? ... God must be trying to put across something when He invented language.

Oh.. and yah...
"I like BANANAS.. I think that MANGOES are sweet... I love PAPAYAS. WHOOOO! I think that nothing can beat... the sweet - sweet LOVE of GOD!"



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