jem with me.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

when you look into anothers' eyes, sometimes you read a story. sometimes they shine with happiness, sometimes they tell a tale of lost loves and you can almost hear the dull thudding of their heartache.

with each pair of eyes that you encounter, you learn lessons, some which gives you a brand new light, and others you find yourself empathising with.

what do mine say?

mine is written about love, faith, and hope. 3 great attributes, destined for great things. but only in the right hands.
it speaks of a deep desire, a hunger, a longing with gritted teeth and bated breath of a wish borne out of the 3 attributes.
it harbours confusions of lifes' complexities, and the cruelty of humanity.
it contains compassion, a growing understanding as one matures emotionally to be able to look into people's lives and step in their shoes.

these eyes that seem to well up too often these days, because of exhaustion. because of the frustration.
i need gentleness.

love me tender love me sweet?
just love me.

sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff.


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