jem with me.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

we all emote in differing scales and there are moments where the sitution calls for extra sensitivity, a little more touch of patience that what is usually required. when a knife is plunged in, you may assume its a small cut, because no force was used, and you dont understand why there was so much pain involved. i'll tell you why. it's because you cant literally see the damage you have caused. you assume the hurt should be minimal. but did you realise that in your carelessness, you actually touched a delicate nerve? or perhaps you tweaked that raw wound that has not healed.

ah, there is always more than meets the eye.

just like how there are always 2 sides to every story. your version versus his version. who is more accurate? none. there are both true, because they were told in the voice of someone who felt something and therefore related the story to how he felt.
and because of these different 'feel' levels, you end up with conflicts.

but the similarity lies in the thread where someone was made to feel something. perhaps something that he ought not to feel, but felt anyway.

oooh what sordid and sometimes unnecessary complications.

anyway, i was playing yahoo pool just now. ( i am getting increasingly addicted to the game!)
so i was playing with this girl, ( i assume it's a girl because you get to choose a cartoon icon to rep you and hers was a girl) and i won her 3 times. hahahahah oops.

anyway, at the end of the 3rd game, she typed this 'i dont know how i bet u r cheating somehow. u suck !'

oh man how wounded i felt. the indignation!!! haha

how to cheat in yahoo pool.? it's just aim the bloody thing and shoot! ( oh wow sexual innuendo)*wink wink*

and to top off the humiliation, she booted me from the table.


i was highly amused.
talk about first class bitches and sore losers.


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