jem with me.


Friday, July 21, 2006

significant changes, yet why do i not feel the jolt of nervousness that should accompany me? am i not anticipating them with the right attitude? is apathy more appropriate because i am more uncomfortable than excited?

i cant decide.

my water baptism is due in august, and though i feel ready, maybe i am not.
i am only ready because i know my faith is staunch and unwavering. however, i fail to recognise the importance behind the christening, or maybe i just dont see why these gestures or actions are in some way vital to elevate your status as a christian.

many baptised people i know lack the most fundamental value, which is the relationship between Him and them.

how can they boast with such pride to be baptised, yet when it matters, all they do is criticize, or at the end of the day, they simply do not have that spiritual strength to overcome obstacles when it matters.

perhaps i need to do more growing up. perhaps i am immature in the religious sense.
but i beg to differ.

i have my opinions, my thoughts, and most importantly, i have a relationship with Him. True, i may disappear at times. just like how you can love someone but you neglect them because you got your priorities wrong.
but if my version of being a christian is somewhat warped, i think i shall leave it to Him to teach me, and guide me. i dont need anybody else imparting their interpretation.

on the other hand, i guess i have all the right feelings in beginning work next week. save for the part where jo aud and i are going to take plenty of pictures. haha we are treating this like an adventure. give us 1 month and the fun of taking pictures at work will probably be replaced by s.t.r.e.s.s.

the timing is good. at least my finances are more or less better controlled.

just a random thought.
what's the use of being in a relationship where you cant encourage your partner to recognise and act upon his potential?
the sweet words are 'you can do it'
but the sweetest part is when you find that actually do mean every word you say.

another even more random thought.

best friend yun loves hello kitty.
gf k loves powerpuff girls.

what the hell.

if you cant beat them, join them right?

ok let's see.

i love my melody!


my name is jem ignatius goh!

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