jem with me.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

no special date, another ordinary day. until something happens, and it's forever marked as the day it all went wrong.

sometimes i look at them, and i wish to ask aloud the questions that they ask in their mind.
i can almost see them running through the endless list of possibilities.
i can almost feel their self inflicted guilt when they rebuke themselves.

at night, the loneliness that consumes them gets so overwhelming, i can almost hear the sound of their heartbreak. in the mornings, it is painstakingly mended, only to be left more fragile than ever. at a loss of comfort words, and too many cliche phrases, sometimes one can only stand at the sidelines and feel their despair.

'do you hear the words that i say, the songs that i sing. the lines that i wrote?'
i hear them. but the one who needs to hear them is deaf.

yet who should accept the blame? things just ran its course, things fell apart.
maybe there might be a turn in the weather, but for now, their lives are led with dark overcasts.

a sunny day, is a rare day.

such is love. that the ones around you feel the pain as well.

today is the 12th.
it's our day.

i love you.

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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