jem with me.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

i just need to openly declarely this.

i abolutely cannot stand-sit-squat-whatever- guys ( ok fine let's be fair )people who think they understand why the world works in a certain way.

most obvious example would be,
girls turn lesbians are because they got hurt by guys.
or it's a phase. and it's really admiration and they dont know how to differentiate between real love and crushes.

come on come on please update yourselves. maybe that applies to secondary school but there are some things in this world that arent as shallow as your stupid mind!

sadly, this is not a sole example. there are so many-- too many-- examples of bastards --pardon the language-- who think they know it all!

dont you know people are rolling their eyes at you?

most of all, i cringe at people who think they understand you. and they're all smug about it. and they speak with such an air of authority and are so pleased with thEIR stint at analysis that you can practically see them handing themselves gold medals, and worse, wearing the medals around their neck and then pointing to it and saying 'see i got this because i am so right.'

please, you are so far from the truth, that we dont even know how to point you in the right direction.

yes, the word is really C.R.I.N.G.E.

you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourselves.

come on, surely being humble shouldnt be so difficult right?


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