the words that i preach about, i dont always practise. my beliefs do not rule me, because we have rebellious streaks in us and we tend to break the rules. but they are there to guide me. and i can only write because i understand, because ive been through it. of course as i have always said, empathy only goes that far. but my entries are about the things that i have been through, and the things that i have learnt. my wisdom may not always be spot on, but then, all my thoughts, written down or otherwise, make up who i am today. i have so many more things to understand, to learn, to be taught. thank you for your trust, and your patience.
we learn new things everyday, big and/or small.
ponderings and conclusions.
forgiveness is an art. to some, it comes naturally. to others, they require time to nurture and grow. time is its essence, but it doesnt make you any bigger or any lesser. *nods*
when something hits you really hard, it's easy to get angry. sometimes, it escalates up to the scale of hatred, and they leave their marks in the existence of bitterness and grudges. you go around with the swollen soul, an agitated mind, and then nothing seems right or perfect anymore because you now look at the world with tainted eyes.
it isnt about how judgemental you are either. if you feel it, you feel it. whether if affects you directly, or indirectly isnt the issue anymore.
when is it time to let go?
they say when you hate, the other person whom you hate either doesnt give a damn, or even if he does, it isnt enough for him to stop doing whatever he did to garner your hate in the first place.
so what's the point?
the point is, there isnt any. because, let's repeat, if you feel it you feel it.
there's nothing wrong.
just be mindful that sometimes it's a pity. because hate destroys not other people, but ourselves. sometimes it's better to look at other things that give you love, instead of the thing that brings you hate.
dont sow the seeds of hate. because they are weeds, they arent meant to be grown but to be pulled out.
but darn it's difficult. because it's hating comes so rapidly. and sometimes, you feel like you have nothing else to feel but that.
but at the end of the day, give your troubles, you negativities all up to Him. pray for his guidance and blessing.
and take the time to realise, that sometimes it isnt necessary anymore, it's time to let go.
hate is an ugly word.
dont let it conquer you.
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